Board Director – Mucoba Bank Plc

Directors of the Board (2positions) to represent the share holders. The
bank is in need of an experienced banker and an experienced lawyer.

A Board Director must be an individual who has demonstrated significant
achievements in business, education, the profession and/or public service.
He/ She must have the requisite intelligence, education and experience
to make significant contribution for the deliberations of the Board of
Directors. In addition the Board Director is expected to bring a broad
range of experiences to the Board.
The role of the Board Directors
i. To determine the Bank’s vision, mission and values.
ii. To formulate, monitor and evaluate bank’s policies and strategies.
iii. To review on a regular basis the adequacy and integrity of the
Bank’s internal control, financial reporting, risk management and
management information systems including compliance with applicable
laws, regulations, rules and guidelines.
iv. To appoint and regularly review and evaluate the performance of the
Senior Management of the bank.
v. To assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the Board performance,
collectively and individually
vi. To regularly attend and effectively participate in Board Committee
and other important meetings.
vii. To meet the obligation of accountability to Shareholders
viii. To perform any other duties stipulated under the law.

The candidates must possess the following qualifications:
• Experienced banker
A holder of a degree/master’s degree with extensive experience of not
less than five years with a proven track record in banking, accounting
and economics
• Experienced lawyer
A holder of a degree/master’s degree with extensive experience of not
less than five years with a proven track record in law
Both of the above positions require among others:
Highest moral and ethical character. He or She must exhibit
independence, objectivity and be capable of serving as a representative
of the shareholders.
Personal qualities sufficient to make substantial active contributions
to Board deliberations, these include self-assuredness, a high ethical
standard, inter-personal skills and commitment.
Willing to commit, as well as have, sufficient time available to
discharge the duties of Board membership
A member of a National assembly or House of Representative or Local
Authority is not eligible.
He /she must not have any criminal record or history of bankruptcy.
Qualified and experienced candidates are requested to send application
letters detailing their suitability, detailed CV, certified copies of
relevant certificates and awards, certified copy of last two pages of a
current passport, four recent passport size photos and three
recommendation letters from professional referees’ and send to:

P.O.BOX 147 .

The deadline for submission of applications is 18th August, 2017. Only
shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Candidates will meet their own travel and accommodation costs for the
