Key Responsibilities
Planning and Policy Formulation
• Assist the principal to develop and review on a regular basis the mission statement, objectives and strategic plans of JUCO.
• Develop a policy framework for the creation, implementation and evaluation of strategic institutional and academic plans.
• Formulate and review policies relating to humn resources and financial management for JUCO.
• Develop a policy framjework for the development and management of JUCO`s accounting procedures, manuals and other documents related to the fiscal control and management.
• Oversee the recruitment, selection, deployment, training and development of JUCO`s staff, to ensure efficient and effective management of human resources.
• Oversee the implementation of staff rules and regulations pertaining to the terms and conditions of employment and evaluation of staff performance, as provided for under the charter and rules of JUCO and any written law.
• Oversee student personnel administration to ensure good order/governance of the University and take corrective measures where necessary, in accordance with the students` by laws as provided for under JUCO`sw charter and Rules and any other written law.
• Oversee the payment of salaries, other emoluments, taxes and all other disbursements.
• Coversee the payment of salaries, other emoluments, taxes and all other disbursements.
• Coordinate the provision of planning and finance information throughout JUCO by establishing appropriate data bank and efficient Mis communication channels and effective use of such information.
• Oversee the services provided by outside agents to ensure that tearms of contracts are fulfilled.
Desired Qualifications Skills and Experience
• Professor/Associate professor, or equivalent.
• Sound knowledge and experience of university systems
• Proven experlence in institutions of hinger learning as an academic or administrative staff member.
• Affinity with the catholic value.
• Sound knowledge of management information systems (MIS)
• Skills and experience in hinger education planning and finance.
• Superior skills and ability to conceptualize plans, finance and implement programmes and projects successfully.
• Must have a thorough knowledge of financial management and develop financial policies and procedures.
• Must have management skills, human relations and communication skills.
Salary: commensurate with experience
Type of employment: full time
How to Apply
JUCO is an Equal Opportunity employer and values diversity in all areas of its operations. We welcome and encourage applications from a wide range of candidates.
Please send your application consisting of a cover letter with indicaton of the position you are applying for, your CV in English and Copies of Academic certificates via e-mail or ordinary mail no later than April 5th 2016 at the following address:
Jordan University College
P.O.BOX 1878
Email: or