We’re Population Services International (PSI), the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. We work to make it easier for people in the developing world to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire by marketing affordable products and services that range from mosquito nets to contraceptives to HIV testing.
There are over 9,000 “PSI’ers” around the world. It’s a diverse group of entrepreneurs and professionals with an unusually wide range of backgrounds – from the medical industry to the music business – all with unique skills we bring to the job.
PSI/Tanzania seeks qualified consultants to complete the specific deliverables outlined below in support of its market development agenda on insecticide-treated nets (ITN). The completed landscape will inform analysis and decision making for market development interventions designed by the VectorWorks program. Successful candidates will be expected to complete the specific deliverables within 25 working days. A suggested breakdown of days is as follows (consultant to specify in proposal):
• 5 days –Literature review and analysis
• 2 days – Key Informant Interview preparation
• 10 days – Fieldwork and Key Informant Interviews
• 5 days – Final Report Writing
• 3 days—Revision of Final Report based on input from VectorWorks team
Current challenges: Insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITNs) availability in the commercial sector
The positive impact of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) on malaria disease is a product of ITN availability to millions of individual households and frequent use of these nets by household members. Currently the public sector carries the full cost of providing ITNs to community level, and promoting their use. However, availability is intermittent at best, coverage both between and within households generally lags behind what is needed for maximum disease control impact, and the entire system depends on availability of sufficient donor funds.
Project objectives – Creating a private sector market for ITNs
With a Total Market Approach assessing and addressing all market segments of the selected region/country, and all relevant distribution channels, PSI/Tanzania and the VectorWorks project can influence core functions (supply and demand), supporting functions (information, guidance, etc.) as well as rules (policy, tariffs, etc) to increase sustainability, market breadth (products range) and market depth (total volume sales from private sector), reducing household vulnerability and decreasing the burden on the public sector.
Consultancy Objective:
Complete a market landscape analysis that examines the functions, players, relationships and incentives within the commercial net market in Tanzania (treated and untreated nets). Existing secondary data followed by in-country interviews should be the primary source of information for this work. All research and analysis should complement and build upon existing resources, such as the DFID-supported report, Comprehensive strategy for sustaining universal coverage with LLIN and the potential of the commercial LLIN market in Tanzania by Albert Kilian. Information collected and synthesized should be organized in the Production to Use Spectrum provided below. The completed landscape will help to identify key market failures and constraints and inform the development of interventions to address those.
Production to Use Spectrum
Demand and Supply
Supporting Functions
Quality Assurance
Labor Capacity
Specifically it is expected the consultant will:
• Read all materials provided by PSI regarding market development approaches including Markets 4 the Poor (M4P) and PSI’s internal Total Market Approach Implementation Guide
• Review all existing research (internal and external) related to the specific market players in Tanzania as outlined in the above Production to Use Spectrum
• Synthesize the information collected to address questions posed in the Production to Use Spectrum (to be further provided by PSI).
• Identify gaps in the existing literature on each market player. Based on these gaps, consultant should develop Key Informant Interview (KII) guides and conduct interviews with key market players in-country (Literature review and gap analysis should focus on all players, but KIIs should include manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, donors and MOH as necessary.)
• As much as possible, quantify the size of the existing commercial net market and projections (treated and untreated) through interviews with market players.
• Literature review with gap analysis
• Key Informant Interview guides
• Key Informant Interview summaries
• Completed production to use spectrum table containing detailed information gathered on each market player and function [Template to be provided by PSI, questions to be built on by consultant]
• a report which summarizes the process employed and key details of the market players and partners [Format to be developed by consultant. Consultant to include a proposed outline of report in proposal.]
• a Powerpoint which summarizes the topline points for each market player and suggests market shortcomings for consideration, to be used as background for TMA workshop
*Consultant should check-in with team after literature review gap analysis completed and after KII guides complete; PSI/Tanzania team to participate in market player interviews as possible.
To complete the landscape, within the agreed-upon 25 days, the consultant will be supported and guided by key PSI team members based in Dar es Salaam and Washington DC. The consultant will report directly to the project’s marketing advisor based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Preferred candidates will have experience in:
• Market analysis;
• Market development approaches to health;
• Analysis of value chains;
• Experience of collaborating with PSI preferable.
Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Swahili speaker preferable
If interested, please send you CV at mmoore@psi.or.tz. We will then send you more details with annexes.