Mine Geologist – Dar Es Salaam – Stamigold Company Limited

Professional Qualifications and Experience

BSc in Geology.
1 – 5 years experience as a Geologist, working in an exploration, open pit mining and gold processing environment. ‘
Very Good Computer skills in the following packages
Vulcan, Datamine, and/or other geological resource estimation and 3 Mine
Planning Software Package.
MS Office software package, (Excel, Access, Word).
Ability to maintain accurate records.
Self-starter, able to work and plan daily tasks with minimal supervision.
Enthusiastic and professional work attitude.
Clear and effective communication skills.

General Conditions for all candidates;
Candidates should send applications (Cover Letter) accompanied by the follow-
(i) Detailed Curriculum Vitae with three referees who can be contacted.
(ii) Copies of relevant certificates to support qualifications.
(iii) Copies of Birth Certificate/vote 101 Passport (Compulsory). ‘
(iv) All applications should be addressed to
Mine General Manager,
Stamigold Company Limited,
P.O. Box 78508,

Applications should be sent through Hr.Biharamulo@stamigold.co.tz

Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview
All positions will attract a competitive salary package, which will include excellent benefits.

STAMIGOLD Company Limited offers equal employment opportunities to
Qualified MEN and WOMEN
Deadline: 26 Feb 2015
