Technical Staff – Viettel Tanzania Limited

Job description for Technical positions
(1)Ensure the site management safety and working normally
Setup lock for fence, machine room, tank fuel and generator.
Clean the site: inside machine room, fan, the face of equipment.
Check all alarm at site:

Cooperate with NOC to test external alarm 1 time / month: running generator, low battery, rectifier failure or main fail, high temperature, opening door, low level fuel.
Configure the parameter follow regulation

Test and detect problem of battery, to optimize the bank battery follow guideline
Replace, maintenance generator: change oil, fuel filter, oil filter, air filter.
Cover the bolt of antenna mast and container house by fat.
Check the cover of Container house: Check cover of container housing: base, floor, walls, ceilings, roofs are tight, not warping, not peeling paint, not waterproof, not rust.

(2)Ensure the route cable safety and stableness.
Patrolling route cables
To clean the secure corridor of route cable
Periodic to check and evaluate the quantity of transmission network management

(3)Ensure to refuel and handover to collaborator
To organize the team or cooperate with partner to refuel. Then handover to collaborator
Cooperate with Technical Dept. and NOC Dept. to operating and monitoring the running generator of collaborator

(4)Troubleshooting mission
Troubleshooting when loss of electricity in a large area.
Troubleshooting when cable broken


All applicant must be willing to work anywhere in Manyara Region or anywhere in Tanzania (Candidate from Manyara, Arusha and Singida are highly preferred)
Remuneration( GrossSalary) for the above Positions is 450,000TSH per month
Plus Support for transport and equipment’s ranging from114,274 to 349,170 TSH per month depend on working area/location.
send your CV ONLY to email :
CLOSING DATE:31/08/2016
