TACRI is seeking for highly qualified candidates for the positions of the chief executive director. The primary functions are to manage a viable coffee research company to guarantee confident of stakeholders including coffee growers, traders, processors the government and development partners. This is important and challenging post requiring both technical and managerial skills. This extremely is to us susistain gains made and moves to the next level
To achieve this mission the CED is requiring to be out-warding by lasing closely with stakeholders and influencing policy makers as well as inward – looking the responsible and viable research and technology transfer programmed are undertaken and reported to the highest standard. All this has to be achieved within a frame work of effective, financial resource management and the TACRI strategic plan. Combing this entire task will be essential
– Hold PHD in any agriculture science
– Have distinguished scientific and administrative experience
– Be IT literacy
– Have distinguished record of public in reputable scientific journals
– distinguished academic record
– evidence of excellent leadership
– evidence of good interpersonal skills and
– communicate to team work and mentoring of junior staff
terms of conditions services
Remunerations is competitive and subject to review from time, initial appointment for the three years of contract renewable subject to satisfactory performance
How to apply
Interested candidate should submit the letter, resumes and three names of referees electronically only to advert@tacri.org attaching copies of academic certificates/diplomas
Deadline 25 0ctober 2016