Experience: Minimum of five years of professional experience in an international donor program setting with relevant experience providing institutional capacity building support and a relevant technical background in local governance issues.
Previous experience working with Basin Water Offices (RBWOs), Water User Association and/or COWSOs is preferred.
Education: University degree, preferably at Masters’ level, in a relevant field such as Environmental Science, Public Health, Urban and Regional Planning, Development Studies, and/or Natural Resource Management.
He/she will provide Institutional capacity support to the River Basin Water Offices (RBWOs), Water User Associations, COWSOs and district government lo create strong and transparent institutions and governance frameworks that enable conflict-free, sustainable, and resilient water use and delivery of services.
The institutional Support Advisor will support the targeted institutions to improve basin-wide water utilization, data collection and decision making through the development of hydro-meteorological, hydrologic, and socioeconomic data collection and management systems.
The Institutional Support Advisor will incorporate technical input from Climate Change Adaptation Specialist to ensure river basin plans resilient to climate change impacts and he/she will work with the Gender and Youth Specialist to ensure awareness/knowledge of gender and youth issues in water management.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should email the following:-
• Current curriculum vitae (CV).
• 3 references.
• A completed (signed/dated) Employee Biographical Data form (can be downloaded from:
https://careers.tetratechintdev.com/ARDCareers/App/Documents/AID1420 -17EBD.pdf) and sent to: jobs4waridi@gmail.com.
Subject of the email should include “WARIDI’ and the name of the position applying for. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Selected candidates will be hired as soon as they are available. Compensation will be commensurate with relevant experience.
Tetra Tech ARD is committed lo diversity and gender equality in all of its operations. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups. Tetra Tech ARD is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. Deadline for submission of applications: 22nd February, 2016.