Monitoring And Evaluation – Tanzania Institute Of Monitoring And Evaluation

Wishes to announce Short Course on Monitoring and Evaluation
When: Monday, November 14, 2016 to Friday, November 18, Dar es Salaam. Where: Mwalimu House, Ilala Boma, Floor No.7, Wing B Time : 08:30am to 4:30pm

This five-day course is intended to provide an overview of monitoring and evaluation methods with practical applications of tools and methods. This course will provide participants with Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) skills, tools, techniques and resources needed for planning, organizing, and/or managing programs and projects. Through relevant case studies, exercises and group work, participants will learn the links between results-based measurement, monitoring and program evaluation. Enough Time will be allotted for guided practical exercises and informal question and answer sessions around common M&E problem areas. Resourceful information and proper guidance for further study in research and M&E field will be provided.

Why choose this course
Delivered by our practitioners with extensive participatory field experience, this is the leading M&E course for development professionals will enable to couple with constant and growing pressures on to be more responsive to demands from internal and external stakeholders for good governance, accountability and transparency, greater development effectiveness and delivery of tangible results ..

Course Objectives
Participants will gain confidence to apply the acquired skills and knowledge to their M&E work
Participants will be able to share and learn from other country experiences to strengthen their M&E systems.
Participants will have an improved understanding of how M&E can improve the quality of their projects while promoting learning and accountability
Participants will also learn how to be better managers and consumers of evaluations conducted by others

For whom the course is intended
1. Those who want to build their career in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation
2. Middle and senior level project managers
3. Monitoring and Evaluation officers
4. Community Leaders and Volunteers
5. The Training Course is relevant and beneficial for fresh graduates, professionals from Public private, NGOs, INGOs and corporate sectors.

Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Identify the basic purposes and scope of M&E
2. Differentiate between monitoring functions and evaluation functions
3. Describe the functions of an M&E plan
4. Identify the main components of an M&E plan
4. Identify and differentiate between conceptual frameworks, results frameworks, and logic models
5. Describe how frameworks are used for M&E planning
6. Identify criteria for the selection of indicators
7. Describe how indicators are linked to frameworks
8. Identify types of data sources
9. Describe how information can be used for decision-making

Fee information: The course fee is 450,000/= per person (break tea, lunch, Resource person facilitation ,Training reference material handouts for the participants and Certificate of attendance will be provided). Your place on the course will be secured only when full payment has been received. Deposit your fees (cash) into Tanzania Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation Account number 20310018587 – NMB-Ilala and submit bank pay in slip to Tanzania Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation, Ilala Boma, Floor No.7, Wing B or Scanned copy to . Due to limited space, you are advised to get your application in promptly to avoid disappointment. The deadline for registration is 11th November, 2016. All participants in the short course are required to come with the laptop.
Interested participants should apply by visiting the link . If you have questions, you can write to us an email at: . For further inquiries you can also Contact, Tanzania Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation (TIME) P. O. Box 11807 Dar es Salaam
Mobile No: +255 621 123 456.
