• Bachelor degree in supplies and procurement management/ Certified supplies profession (CSP) or its equivalent and registered with NBMM as Authorized procurement and supplies officer
• Three years working experience in similar job is an added advantage
• Applicants must be computer literate
• Applicants should not exceed 35 years of age
Duties and responsibilities
1. Head of procurement Management Unit (PMU)
2. Effective procurement, receiving, inspecting, storage and issue of right materials of the right quality at a right time to the Authority
3. Clear identification of the materials requirements of the Authority and making timely procurement at minimum cost and with due regard to user specification
4. Support the functions of tender Board
5. Plan the procurement and disposal by tender activities of the procuring identity
6. Preparing tender documents, tender advertisements and contract documents
7. Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Managing Director
Remuneration is accordance with BUWASA Salary Structure and Incentive packages
Applications should be accompanied with curriculum vitae, copies of relevant education certificates together with one passport size photo and two names of referees with their contact and postal addresses. Applications should reach the undersigned address not later than 1st June 2015
The Managing Director,
Bukoba Water supply and sanitation Authority
P.O.BOX 81
Tel ; 028-2221744
Fax; 028-2221588