Position Summary:
The Project Officer has to ensure overall improved commercialization of pepper, clove, cardamon and cinnamon, through organization of producers, access to information and shaping of farmers participation in the market by practicing Market Linkage and training services, supervisory and follow up of the project activities. The project officer will work with other service providers which include MFIs to improved access to credit for investment in inputs for cultivation, through support to micro finance organizations at community level. Contribution to the proper implementation, jointly with ONGAWA and TFCG, of Result 1; which is to increase quantity and quality of production per family of; pepper, clove, cardamon and cinnamon due to improved agricultural practices of cultivation and harvesting and development of innovative techniques of post-harvest processing/handling. The Project Officer will be located at Muheza District where she/he will operate from. He/she will be responsible for ensuring participatory monitoring and evaluation service which will be supervised by Faida MaLi M&E Officer at Faida MaLi Head Office. The M&E will provide data collection tools and the actual capacity building to groups leaders level on how best they can collaborate in ensuring adequate data collection. The project officer will conduct assessment of group leaders who will participate in the capacity building on data collection.
Requirements: Qualifications, experience and behavioral competencies
• A Bachelor’s degree in Agri-business, economics, community development or related field, or Advanced Diploma in one of these fields plus advanced specialized training and experience in the field of Market Linkages, Value Chain and rural development.
• A thorough knowledge of and experience with issues concerning farmers and their farmer producer groups, Market Access for the Poor, Business to Business linkages and Contracts Management.
• Experience in managing a department.
• Fluent in English.
Please submit application by email to include:
• Application letter.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• Full names, contact address including telephone numbers, email address and at least 2 referees.
Addressed to faida@faidamarketlink.or.tz , copied to tom.sillayo@faidamarketlink.or.tz
5.0 Remuneration:
To be according to experience and per Faida MaLi salary scale.
6.0 Deadline:
Closing date will be 19th June 2017 at 4:00 pm. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted through their email addresses for next steps.