Team Leader – Kilimanjaro – Floresta

Specific duties
 Manage the VICOBA program
• Responsible for training of facilitators and group leaders
• Identify training needs and develop strategies to address those needs
• Develop training curriculum
• Coordinate training sessions and facilitators meeting monthly
• Conduct monitoring and evaluations of active VICOBA groups
• Coordinate facilitator visits to groups
• Conduct random visits/audits of the groups
• Identify needs and develop strategies to address these needs
• Supervise record keeping by the groups. Train facilitators to work within this system
• Develop strategies to grow and develop the VICOBA system
• Continuously learn about trends in VSLA systems and find ways to apply these lessons learned as needed
• Be the expert on staff for all things VICOBA/VSL
 Data Collection
• Use MIS system and other monitoring and evaluation tools to track the health of the groups and assess the performance of the facilitators.
Any other tasks as requested

Minimum qualification and requirements:
Must have a minimum of Bachelor’s degree in community economic development, rural development or related discipline.

Experience: Experience in working with the community in various community development projects; specifically in mobilizing, training and managing VSLA

Qualities and skills needed for success ,
• Excellent intercultural skills; adaptable, good listener, good observer, open minded, values diversity,
• Thirst for excellence; questioning mind, willingness to learn, innovate with the discipline to follow-up and document process
• Articulate; communicates clearly, concisely using multiple media as appropriate, able to adapt communication techniques to local idiom/norms
• Possess a passion and respect for people regardless of economic standing, race, ethnicity, religion, or culture, and a burden to connect them with God’s love Genuine team player; able to give and take under pressure, supports other team members and willing to take on extra tasks as needed for team success
• Members and willing to take extra tasks as needed for team success

Terms and Conditions of Service:
Successful candidate will be employed on one year-contract including six month of probation. The contract is renewable subject to the employee’s satisfactory performance.

Application should be sent to country director through the following email or postal address 7764 Moshi. Application should be received in not later than May 7th, 2015.Any application received ‘after the due date will not be received
