Qualifications: Applicants must be in possession of a PhD degree or equivalent from an
accredited University; an academic rank of at least Associate Professor; an exemplary
record of management capability; an outstanding record of academic leadership in
teaching, research, and publication, and an outstanding record of experience in providing
community service. The candidate must have proven integrity and management
experience of academic institutions and at least 10 (ten) years teaching and working
experience in reputable Universities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1) The Chief Executive Officer and Spokesperson of HKMU.
2) Overall responsibility for conduct of academic and administrative activities of
3) Responsible for Policy formulation and implementation of the decisions of the
Board of Directors.
4) The Principal Accounting Officer of the University.
5) The final authority in the preparation of the HKMU budget for approval by the
Council and the Board of Directors.
6) Overall responsible for all staff recruitment, deployment and development.
7) Chairs all Senate meetings and selected Council and senate committees.
8) Chairs the annual staff review/appraisal meetings.
9) Responsible for HKMU public relations.
10)Deals with fundraising, resource mobilization and networking.
11)Co-ordinates preparation of the HKMU Perspective Plan and Rolling Strategic Plan.
12)Responsible for general security and welfare of the University community.
13)Performs any other such duties as assigned by the Board of Directors of MMHEN
and the HKMU Council.
Reporting to: The HKMU Council and ultimately to the Board of Directors.
Supervises: All staff in the University.
Tenure: Five (5) years contract, renewable once, subject to satisfactory performance
and successful completion of a one-year probation period upon recruitment.
Remuneration: According to the HKMU salary scales and fringe benefits.
Application Procedure: Interested and qualified applicants for the above post
requested to submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, three names of his/her
referees and to attach copies of their certificates to:
Board of Directors,
Mission Mikocheni Health and Education Network (MMHEN),
322 Kairuki Road, P. O. Box 65300, Dar es Salaam.
Tel. 255-22-2700021/4, Fax: 255-22-2775591,
E-mail: mmhen@hkmu.ac.tz